Tuesday, July 12, 2011

She's got a ticket to drive...

Yup. Finally got the all clear!
I head to the training session later this month & then I'll be a volunteer driver for the Canadian Cancer Society. Definitely looking forward to getting on board with this one.

In the meantime, I've been doing/making donations (monetary, and not time, unfortunately...but it's something) and looking at more opportunities for the upcoming months.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Just like starting over

So lately I've been dontating funds & not time to various things. And though a donation of any kind is a good thing...I really wanted to donate ME (ooooh, that sounded so wrong, but you know what I mean).

I had mailed my application to the Canadian Cancer Society to volunteer as a driver for cancer patients...and I just heard back from them. I meet up with the volunteer co-ordinator later this week to be interviewed & go through the rules & regulations.

Here's hoping that I get to start soon! I'm feeling pretty stoked about finally getting into the world of volunteering. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Time flies...

So I realised that I haven't updated this blog in a month. *sigh*

I have made a few more cash donations for events/disasters that have happened (text RedCross to 303-33001 to help the Slave Lake residents), but I haven't gone OUT and done my bit yet. 

That's something I have to work on. My current plan is to volunteer as a driver for cancer patients. This has been on my "To-do" list for more years than I care to admit to. Now is the perfect time to do it. So I'm gonna. Currently filling out my application and mailing(!) it off. I have to make an aside and say that I'm surprised that there isn't a way to apply online...anyone out there know a faster way, or is snail mail my only option?

Anyone have suggestions for what I should volunteer for next?

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Signing the petition: Eva's Phoenix

There's a downtown Toronto youth homeless shelter that is under threat of being shut down.
Eva's Phoenix is a Toronto shelter that assists at-risk youth, and have three shelters currently in operation.
The city of Toronto is eyeing the possibility of selling the land that one of the shelters is on.

Head here to sign the petition asking the city to reconsider:

Friday, April 1, 2011

Too close to home

Earlier this week I got a phone call from a friend. He sounded very off and declared that he was having the worst day ever. I asked what was up, and all he managed to get out was "Fire. My apartment. I lost everything. Even my cat."

Turns out that a faulty dollar store power bar was the culprit.

Needless to say he's still in shock a few days later.

He's staying with friends for the next little while, but he's already put the call out for help in looking for a new abode.

I'm hoping to get some donations to help him out. Clothes, toiletries, anything really.
If you're able to help, let me know...

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Watching the band

"You know this is a charity event, right? The donation box is over there".

I'm shooting a bunch of bands for Junos Fest & it's actually slipped my mind that one of my 'extra' shows is a charitable event.
I hang out for a bit, take just a few photos and on my way out, I stuff a bill into the jar, ignoring the sale girl's shouts to give me a commemorative wrist band.
I could have been an arse and just walked out without making a donation, but I'm really working on being more aware of things.

This is the fourth act of quasi-kindness, but only the second that I've actually done. Two of the acts were requested donations (one from my now ex co-workers and one in lieu of a gift card that I'd only misplace somewhere in the apartment).

I'm just working on settling into a few major changes, but once I (kinda) do, I'll start with the volunteering and lay off of the monetary donations.

This project is about me DOING more than I have in the past few years. Giving money is great, but I'd much rather give my time.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

And it's (officially) on

So today I turned 36. Feels a lot like 35. Heck, it feels like 30. But with more tattoos.

I'm excited to challenge myself to do something that is so simple, but so easy to forget to do.
I've mentioned my project to some friends and they've expressed interest in volunteering at some of the places with me. I think having company will motivate me for some of the volunteer experiences.

My office is throwing me a surprise farewell party tomorrow (yeah, I know). In lieu of a corporate gift, I've asked that they make a donation to the charity of my choice. So the first official act of (quasi) kindness will be a donation to CAMH.

I figure that sure beats a gift card for a place that I'd never shop at. And everyone who contributes gets to feel better for making a donation and making a difference in someone's life.

Friday, March 11, 2011

A week early

Unless you're living under a rock, you've heard about Japan and the tsunami.

I've been fixated by the videos, photos and first hand accounts of what's been happening there. It's all so scary. My baby brother lived in Japan for a few years and I feel a connection with Japan via him and his stories.

Instead of waiting until next Wednesday to start my "project", I'm starting today.
I know it's not volunteering, but it's something. And that's got to be an act of (quasi) kindness.

Americans: Text REDCROSS to 90999 to donate. Canadians: Text REDCROSS to 30333

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Here goes everything...

It's been an interesting 6 months. A lot of changes in my life. Some great, some good, and some just downright heartbreaking. So with my birthday around the corner, I've decided that it's time I focus portions of my (adult ADD) energy elsewhere & share the proverbial birthday cake with others.

I'm going to volunteer the beejesus out of the next year. Do all the things I said I would do. Things like head back to working in a food bank, driving cancer patients to their appointments, helping seniors do stuff, y'know, things like that.

My hope is to document what I do on this blog. By publicly announcing my intentions I hope it keeps me on track. There's nothing worse than making a loud pronouncement and then quietly wandering away from it. Hell, I'm giving myself 12 months to do 36 things. I visit that many bars and restaurants in a 5 month period!

Well, here goes everything...